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🐒What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus. It got its name when it was discovered in laboratory monkeys in 1958. This virus is similar to the one that causes smallpox, but it is less contagious and generally causes milder illness.

Cases of monkeypox are most common in central and western Africa, in people who have recently traveled to those areas, and in people who have had contact with imported animals. But recent cases of monkeypox have occurred outside of Africa in people who have not traveled at all.

What are the signs and symptoms of monkeypox?

Monkeypox causes fever, headache, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash. The rash begins as small, flat marks that turn into bumps and later fill with fluid. The bumps crust over and fall off as they heal. Some people develop spots that look like pimples or blisters before they have other symptoms. People usually feel better within 2 to 4 weeks. But sometimes the virus can make a person very sick.

Is monkeypox spread?

The monkeypox virus can be spread from close contact with infected people or animals. Someone can get infected if:

  • has contact with blood,
  • body fluids (such as during sexual contact), or fluid from blisters
  • use bedding or other items contaminated with the virus
  • breathe the virus

Symptoms can appear 5 to 21 days after being exposed to the virus.

Can monkeypox be prevented?

As with many germs, washing hands thoroughly and often, wearing masks, and avoiding contact with sick people and animals can help protect us from illness.


Minister Sucre explained that it is a 30-year-old man, who had contact with a traveler from Europe, "once the person returned to Europe, he informed him that he had been detected with the disease." 

He explained that in the morning hours of yesterday, Monday, July 4, this person went to the clinic of the Gorgas Commemorative Institute for Health Studies, where he underwent a test that gave a positive result. "The doctors do the clinical and laboratory analysis of the patient since he presented injuries and qualified as a suspicious case in the morning hours and by the afternoon it was confirmed," said Sucre.

The head of Health stated that the person remained isolated at home and today he went to the San Miguel Arcángel hospital.

He said that once the case was detected, the Minsa activated traceability and possible contacts to contain the spread of the virus.

He mentioned that the patient is fully established, physically very Well, it doesn't have any complications. “He is going to be given supportive treatment, which is a symptomatic treatment to control the symptoms of fever and other discomfort, some antiviral.”

He stressed that there is no reason to be alarmed, “we can rest easy, the Ministry of Health with the Commemorative Institute Gorgas maintains epidemiological surveillance, individual traceability and genomic surveillance on a permanent basis”.

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre (center) during the announcement of the first case of monkeypox in Panama. Via MINSA.

News source: from Panama, G.-L. E. (2022, July 5). Panama confirms its first case of monkeypox. The Star of Panama. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
